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Toronto's Massage Therapy Source

Toronto Massage Therapy : Most people agree that a good massage can help relieve stress from life and work, but few understand how much massage therapy can help with serious conditions. I use a combination of massage, acupuncture, fascial techniques and reflexive techniques to treat a variety of conditions such as the following:

Herniated Disc Sciatic Pain

Herniated Disc 

 A herniated, bruised or bulging disc can be a very stressful condition. The pain can seem excruciating when you first get it. Mobility is seriously restricted and you may feel an inability to move to a seated or standing position, bend over, bend back or twist at the waist. The pain is caused by a disc pushing upon the nerve roots coming out of your spinal cord.

Herniated discs can be treated effectively with a combination of acupuncture & massage therapy. Acupuncture works very quickly to limit the pain especially when combined with electrical stimulation.

Certain gentle massage therapy techniques can also be effective. Some reflexive techniques can be used to reduce spasm in the lower back and the gluteal muscles. Decreasing muscle tension is key to increasing mobility and decreasing pain. Any kind of muscle spasm works to add pressure to the disc and squeeze it further against the nerve root. Getting rid of the tension thus takes pressure off the disc and the nerve.

Finally traction can be used to again take pressure of the disc. As well I combine some gentle mobilizations to help the body accept the new range of motion.

Sciatic Pain

Sciatic pain comes from an impingement of the sciatic nerve. As the sciatic nerve supplies all of the legs, the pain can be felt anywhere in the legs, gluteal region and hips. True sciatica is due to the nerve being impinged at the root typically by a disc. Sciatic pain is often caused by an impingement by the piriformis which is a gluteal muscle.

True sciatica is treated similar to a disc herniation, but sciatic pain due to a tight piriformis muscle is treated a little differently. I spend most of my time reducing the spasm in the gluteal muscles and freeing up the hips. I start with acupuncture into the piriformis and gluteus medius muscles and nerve supplies. If the client is not too acute I follow that up with fascial work to free up the area.


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