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Showing posts from June, 2018

Toronto's Massage Therapy Source

Toronto Massage Therapy : Most people agree that a good massage can help relieve stress from life and work, but few understand how much massage therapy can help with serious conditions. I use a combination of massage, acupuncture, fascial techniques and reflexive techniques to treat a variety of conditions such as the following: Herniated Disc Sciatic Pain Herniated Disc   A herniated, bruised or bulging disc can be a very stressful condition. The pain can seem excruciating when you first get it. Mobility is seriously restricted and you may feel an inability to move to a seated or standing position, bend over, bend back or twist at the waist. The pain is caused by a disc pushing upon the nerve roots coming out of your spinal cord. Herniated discs can be treated effectively with a combination of acupuncture & massage therapy. Acupuncture works very quickly to limit the pain especially when combined with electrical stimulation. Certain gentle massage therapy techniqu